You Advance In Life    Android (TM) Application        

                      Copyright 2010: David Balmin  


Announcement: “You Advance in Life Pro” app provides data encryption and optional password protection of users’ goals data.

The basic version of this app, “You Advance in Life”,  is also available in Google Play Store.

Restore” command from the menu of “You Advance in Life Pro” can retrieve the data from your “You Advance in Life” version’s  backup files, but the very first password assignment or the next “Backup” command will encrypt the data in that file and it will not be accessible by “You Advance in Life” version any longer.

It’s recommended that you copy all your important backup files with extension .XML located in the folder “sdcard/You Advance” to a different folder on your mobile phone or to a computer outside of your phone BEFORE you start using “You Advance in Life Pro” app. This will allow you to copy them back to “sdcard/You Advance” folder on your phone and start over in case you forget or lose your password or any problem with the new version. Please keep in mind that, if you lose or forget the password assigned to a backup file, the data in that backup file will not be accessible. Your password is not stored anywhere in its original form and it’s impossible to recreate it!

Note: You can assign different passwords to different backup files and can change the password for (or remove password protection altogether from) any of YOUR backup files. To remove password protection, just assign empty password to a backup file.

Use Backup and Reset command from the  menu of “You Advance in Life Pro” app to save the currently displayed data and remove it from the screen. Then your data is completely protected from viewing it by other people! Use Restore command when you need to access it again.

If you transfer a backup file from the folder “sdcard/You Advance” on your phone to the corresponding folder on a different Android phone, its owners can also use “You Advance in Life Pro” app to access your file’s data on their phone (if you share the password with them). 



Program’s Description

This application helps you create and maintain the list of goals and interests in your life along with steps toward reaching each goal and the current status.

            This is not a to-do list or an appointment schedule management app. It can be better described as maintaining a collection of your interests, your hobbies, your dreams, your ambitions. Things that are easy to forget in your busy life filled with to-do lists and appointment schedules.

            You Advance In Life” app helps you organize and plan your life activities as follows:

a)      have a clear plan for each goal in your life

b)      check and remind yourself where you are at on your path toward each goal

With this tool, you can quickly look up your goals, check and update the current status of each goal and decide whether you can afford time or other resources for any of them. You can also check the steps to each goal to find the current step and the steps that follow toward the goal.

This is pretty simple stuff, but you may be surprised to find out how helpful it is to have such “life plan” handy, so that you don’t forget those important things that make life worth living.

A few helpful tips for using this application:

Use Menu button on your phone and the application’s input fields and command buttons to enter the descriptions of your “goals” (interests, hobbies, aspirations, etc.).  When you view a list of goals on the screen, just touch any goal in the list to open a screen with this goal’s data to edit this data.

For each goal, you can optionally enter and modify its status (progress) of achieving this goal and its “grade” (the approximate measurement of your current progress). The grade assigned to a goal can be in the range from D to A+ or from 0% to 100%, depending on the nature of a goal.

You can also optionally enter descriptions of multiple steps toward each goal. For each step, you can enter an optional grade – a measurement of completing the step. The grade assigned to a step can be in the range from 0% to 100%.

You can remove all the current goals from the screen and begin entering new goals from scratch at any time by selecting Reset command from the Menu.

As you enter data for your goals, you have the option to save your current data at any time in an external backup file.  Just edit the name for a backup file in the File text box (or use the name that is already there) and then select Backup command from the Menu.

You can also restore data from any existing backup file by selecting Restore command from the Menu. Then select a file from the list of names of your backup files.

All the backup files of this application are located on the SD card of your Android mobile phone, in one designated folder named /You Advance/.

These two commands, Backup and Restore, make it possible to maintain multiple sets of goals for several people (or for just one person) in one mobile phone.

You can transfer your backup files to a computer or to another mobile phone for sharing them with other people or for safe backup purposes.  To transfer backup files from your phone to a computer and back, you can use USB cable, Bluetooth interface, Phone Messaging or e-mail.

Note: if SD memory card is not installed in your mobile phone, you can still use “You Advance In Life” app to maintain your life goals in your mobile phone. All the data entered in this application is reliably kept in the internal database in your phone (as long as you keep “You Advance In Life” app installed in your phone). There is no requirement to save data in an external backup file! However, to be able to use Backup and Restore command, you need SD memory card installed in your phone.

Short Tutorial

Select Restore button from the Menu and select the file Sample Goals and Steps.xml to view and maintain the sample list of goals.

If you don’t have an SD memory card installed in your phone, just enter a few goals and some steps for them using Add and Steps command buttons from the Menu.

Tap the first (or any) goal in the list of goals to open the dialog with data of the selected goal.

Then tap Steps button (or select Steps from the Menu) to view and maintain the list of steps toward this goal. Notice the selected goal’s description displayed at the top of the screen. 

Select Add button from the Menu to create a new step at the end of the list of steps.

Select Done button from the Menu (or press Back button on your phone) when finished entering data for the step.

Tap any step in the list to open the dialog with the selected step’s data.

Select Cut, Copy, Paste commands using the buttons on the screen or the Menu button on your phone. These commands allow you to change the order of your steps or to copy/paste any selected step’s data to a new step. Notice that when you paste a step, the new step is inserted AFTER the currently selected step.

Select Delete button on the screen or from the Menu to delete the currently selected step.

Select Reset button on the screen or from the Menu to delete all the steps of the selected goal.

On the goal edit screen, select Delete button to delete the currently selected goal with all its steps.

Select Reset button while in the first screen to delete all the goals with all their steps.  Make sure that you have saved your data in a backup file before you execute Reset command.

Note: To enter a grade for a goal or a step, touch and hold the Grade input box. It will open the list of all possible grades from which you can select the appropriate one.

When you are done with entering data in any screen, select Done button on the screen or from the Menu  to return to the previous screen.